Homeopathy CAN cure ebola: Doctors attack armchair intellectuals at WHO



Homeopathy could have cured Ebola if the World Health Organisation had not stepped in to prevent a trial, according to members of a group who travelled to Liberia hoping to try out remedies including rattlesnake venom and the aphrodisiac Spanish Fly.

The four doctors were the subject of widespread ridicule online after MailOnline revealed that they travelled to the West African country intent on using Ebola victims to put their controversial theories to the test.

But today the homeopaths dismissed their critics as ’armchair intellectuals’ and insisted they made the ’dramatic and traumatic trip’ to Liberia because they had a duty to try to help.

Organisers of the trip are still inviting donations from supporters of homeopathy – whose ranks include Prince Charles – to fund a second attempt to run an Ebola trial in Liberia.

Read more: MailOnline


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