Integrative Cure of a Patient with Breast Cancer



Introduction: Hundreds of thousands of breast cancer cases are reported every year in the US, and one in every seven women develops breast cancer during her lifetime. The chance of being affected by breast cancer increases with age.

Analysis of the patient: The patient was a 46 year old female teacher with a diagnosis of breast cancer, based on physical examination, pathological sampling and nuclear scanning.

After undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy she started to experience general weakness and dyspnea. One of her relatives suggested she visit a homeopath for curative remedies and she agreed.

After taking her case thoroughly, the authors started her treatment with Carcinosinum, 200 c. After 30 days of taking the first remedy she felt much better and the cancer pains improved by about 70 percent. When she came to the clinic for the second time, a careful review of her case showed the positive effects of the remedy on her mind and body. She had experienced a feeling of calmness since the first days of taking the remedy. The other remedies she took included; Conium, Nat-m., Syphilinum and Lycopodium.

The latest update of the patient is as follows; metastatic lesions of her liver have disappeared, her breast tumoral lesion is no longer indurated and has softened. Her oncologist suggested she see him once a year. Read more


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