Homeopati och Kiropraktik är en bra kombination


Help your patients with homeopathy – Homeopathic medicines: safe and effective

To differentiate themselves, many doctors of chiropractic have expanded their practices beyond strictly chiropractic procedures. Most do so by integrating products such as herbals or supplements into their practices.

However, a majority of these products — whose labels are not required to contain the comprehensive information found on drug labels — demand the practitioner to invest considerable time in researching potential interaction with other medications, side effects and recommended dosages.

An additional clinical expertise, however, offers an effective solution with no risk of side effects or drug interaction — homeopathy, which is easy to learn when used for acute chiropractic conditions, requires little time or cost to administer, allows chiropractors to stay within their original scope of practice and shows consumer demand is growing.

Läs mer: Chiropractic News


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