Homeopathy College: Now You Can Get a Doctorate in Homeopathic medicine


The American Medical College of Homeopathy’s (AMCofH) new four-year doctoral program is the first of its kind in the country and will provide the most comprehensive homeopathic medical training in North America.

The college will matriculate its first freshman class for this unique program beginning in 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. On December 29, 2010, the AMCofH had the distinguished honor of being recognized during the Closing Bell Ceremony at the NASDAQ Broadcast Studio in Times Square, New York.

Those who graduate from the doctoral program will be qualified to diagnose illnesses and treat them with homeopathic medicine. This represents another major step forward in the establishment of integrative medical training in the United States. Arizona is already home to the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine, the Gladys Taylor Mcgarey Medical Foundation, and the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. With the addition of AMCofH this certainly places Arizona as a leader in the field of green medical education.

AMCofH first opened its doors in 1998 as the Desert Institute of Classical Homeopathy. It achieved non-profit status in 1999, first obtained Arizona State licensure in 2000, and changed its name to the American Medical College of Homeopathy in 2006. AMCofH first obtained Arizona State licensure for its full-time program in 2007, and its new four-year doctoral program is provisionally licensed by the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. Läs mer


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