Denguefeber går att behandla med homeopati, säger indisk läkare


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Agra, Oct 23 (IANS) A homeopathy doctor here claims to have found an effective treatment for dengue.

Anoop Maheshwari treated not only his own 10-year-old son who had suffered from the mosquito-borne disease, but has also effectively treated scores of cases of dengue with homeopathic drugs.

’Why spend Rs.25,000 and more, when homeopathic medicines can be bought for Rs.25,’ Maheshwari told IANS.

’In 80 percent of cases, a dengue patient taking allopathic medicine with homeopathic drugs usually do not have drastic fall in blood platelets,’ he said.

Some effective homeopathic medicines are Psorinum200, Pulsatilla30, Ars Alb30, Gels30 and China30.

In addition to this, a decoction of tulsi leaves and black pepper also helps in reducing and controlling the spread of the disease, Maheshwari added. SifyNews


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