Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour could support making Homeopathy available on NHS



Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour could be set to campaign for the prescription of unproven homeopathic remedies on the NHS, it emerged today.

corbynThe radical left-winger would consider ploughing stretched NHS resources into providing pills which have no proven effect, despite the fact that many trusts are struggling to pay for life-saving cancer drugs.

The new Labour leader is a self-confessed fan of homeopathy, which has been disproved as a medical treatment time and time again by scientific studies.

His second-in-command, John McDonnell, is also a huge supporter of the plant-based treatments and has championed the homeopathist cause in parliament.

Now the new shadow health secretary, Heidi Alexander, has hinted that the party would look at prescribing homeopathic treatments on the NHS if it wins power in 2020.

She said: ”I know lots of people who know about benefits of homeopathy. I know my own parents are great believers in homeopathy.

”I’m open to hearing the argument as to why people may think it appropriate.”




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