Homeopathic veterinary medicine is a safe and effective alternative to conventional veterinary practice.



    The majority of veterinarians in the United States now practice chemical-based medicine on pets. At the first sign of any health symptom, they slap the animal with a prescription for expensive, patented toxic pharmaceuticals. Arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and even depression are now being treated with dangerous prescription medications.

    Earlier this year, the FDA gave approval for Prozac, a powerful mind-altering drug, to be prescribed to dogs, and many of the most common drugs for people are now routinely used in pets (including chemotherapy drugs for cancer treatment).

    However, growing number of veterinarians in this country are turning to homeopathy for the treatment of many animal problems, ranging from allergic reactions and trauma to cancer, and other chronic diseases. Homeopathic veterinary medicine is a safe and effective alternative to conventional veterinary practice. Läs mer

    Welcome to…Animal Homeopathic Treatments in Natural Pet Health - Homeoapthy for Cats, Dogs, Birds, Horses, Rodents Homeopathic Veterinary Care


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