Homeopathy and Sports Injuries


Did you know that there is a fast, effective and safe way to relieve the pain of sports and exercise-related injuries? Fans include Tour de France cyclists, David Beckham, Martina Navratilova and Dr Jean Marcel Ferret, who worked with the French national soccer team (1993-2004) . Here’s why he is such a fan…

“I am open to all techniques. As a sports doctor I quickly discovered that, except for anti-inflamatories and muscle relaxants, I was very limited in the care of athletes. I began to use homeopathy, first occasionally, and then more and more. At first the athletes were surprised and even wary. So I explained how and why homeopathy acts. The greatest value in sports? Its speed of action. I can use it directly on the soccer field, within seconds of the trauma, and note the results almost immediately.” Read more


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