Homeopathy consultations can benefit arthritis patients, say scientists


In a study published in the journal Rheumatology, researchers found that arthritis patients significantly benefited when they received homeopathy alongside conventional treatment over a period of 6 months

”Although previous trials have shown homeopathy may help patients with rheumatoid arthritis, this is the first time that we have scientific evidence that these benefits are specifically due to its unique consultation process,” comments lead author Dr Sarah Brien, a senior research fellow in complementary medicine at the University of Southampton.

Researchers recruited 83 people with rheumatoid arthritis from clinics in Southampton, Poole and Winchester for the study. Each patient received a series of homeopathy consultations over a 24 week period between January 2006 and July 2008, while continuing their conventional treatment. Patients and doctors reported significant reductions in a variety of symptoms including reduced ’disease activity scores’, fewer swollen joints, reduced pain and improved mood. Read more


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