Föreläsare vetenskapskonferensen i Barceona


Här nedan visas vilka som kommer att föreläsa på vetenskapskonferensen i Barcelona:

Homeopathy research – the state of play and the way forward
Dr Peter Fisher, UK. Cutting edge to clinical effectiveness: the implications of recent theoretical and research findings in homeopathy
Dr Stephan Baumgartner, Switzerland. Homeopathic basic research: State of research and quests for the future

Clinical research & Pathogenetic trials
Mr Jeremy Sherr, Tanzania. Do pathogenetic trials produce consistent and recognisable symptom pictures? Results from a pilot pathogenetic trial study
Mr Alastair Gray, Australia. Statistics similarity and mosquito. A comparative analysis of proving data
Dr José Enrique Eizayaga, Argentina. Sensitivity, specificity and likelihood ratio of symptoms in patients with good therapeutic response to Lycopodium, compared to patients with good response to treatment with other homeopathic medicines
Dr Lex Rutten, The Netherlands. Will this medicine work for me? Towards a scientific answer

Experimental research
Dr Giovanni Dinelli, Italy. Effects of homeopathic treatments on the cellular metabolism of wheat: validation of microarrays data by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)
Dr Tim Jäger, Switzerland. Comparative study of two bioassays with weakened duckweed and yeast treated with homeopathic preparations
Dr Maria Olga Kokornaczyk, Italy. Might evaporation-induced droplet patterns serve in agro-homeopathic research and support experimental trials?

Experimental research
Dr Christian Endler, Austria.  Highland amphibians and extremely diluted thyroxine
Prof Leoni Villano Bonamin, Brazil.  Modulation of chronic inflammation response to Leishmania (L.) amazonensis by Thymulin 5CH in mice
Dr Yakov Freed, Israel.  Long-term behavioural and hormonal effects of sleep deprivation in rat: modulation following cocc30C treatment

Health economics & Clinical research
Dr Elizabeth Thompson, UK. Economic evaluation of the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital: Final results of the BISCUIT feasibility study
Mr Petter Viksveen, Norway. Economic evaluations of homeopathy: A review
Dr Laurence Terzan, France. The impact in term of public health of the sleep, anxiety and depressive disorders management by physicians prescribing homeopathic medicine in France. The EPI3 programme

Prof Gustavo Bracho, Cuba. Homeoprophylaxis Evidence from basic research and practical applications
Dr Sandra Salles, Brazil. Protocol for prevention and treatment of dengue fever and its complications
Dr Srinivasulu Gadugu, India. An open observational study on efficacy of miasmatic prescription in the prevention of Japanese encephalitis

Clinical research
Dr Elio Rossi, Italy. Homeopathy in the public health system: the experience in Lucca Hospital (1998-2011)
Dr David Brule, Canada. Feasibility and design of an open label pilot study of homeopathic treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Ms Philippa Fibert, UK. Is homeopathic treatment as an effective intervention for children with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Fundamental research
Dr Iris Bell, USA. Integrative nanomedicine: Homeopathic remedies as source and silica nanoparticles acting as danger signals for nonlinear complex adaptive systems
Dr Alexander Tournier, UK. Quantum coherence domains and nanoparticles – one and the same thing?
Dr Steven Cartwright, UK. Pyridinium-N-phenolates as molecular probes of serially diluted and agitated solutions: preliminary results

Qualitative & Clinical research
Dr Gualberto Diaz-Saez, Spain. Use and knowledge of homeopathic drugs by the general population in Spain
Dr Ramona Jurcau, Romania. The influence of Aconitum Napellus versus placebo on anxiety and salivary cortisol, in stress induced by intense and short term physical effort
Dr Shaik Shamsur Rahman, UAE.  Clinical trial of lipoma
Dr Shubhamoy Ghosh, India. Homeopathy in treating allergic rhinitis – an interventional pilot study

Cell studies, Veterinary research & Ethics
Dr Thomas Ostermann, Germany. In-vitro experiments to investigate the effects of homeopathic drugs for chronic aggressive periodontitis by lymphocyte migration activity
Dr Debora Olioso, Italy. Study of Gelsemium sempervirens in a neurocyte model. An update
Mr David Eyles, UK.  Amelioration of pain and distress in tail-ringed lambs using homeopathy
Dr Delny Britton, UK. Homeopathic research involving animals: the case for cutting edge ethics

Research theory & Clinical research
Dr Robert Mathie, UK. Model validity of randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment
Dr Sofia Wenna, Brazil. Homeopathic Medication in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Treatment, Clinical Evolution, and Drug-Resistance: a Randomized, Double Blind Clinical Trial
Dr Jürgen Pannek, Switzerland. Use of homeopathy for prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Dr Christien Klein-Laansma, The Netherlands. Towards an evidence-based homeopathic treatment for PMS

Hemsida:HRI Research Conference



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