Födoämnesallergi botades med homeopati efter att den vanliga sjukvården hade misslyckats


Homeopath Fran Sheffield (right) with Kieran and mum Monique Sprigett

Homeopath Fran Sheffield (right) with Kieran and mum Monique Sprigett

FAILURE to thrive – words that would frighten any parent and Monique Sprigett, of Point Clare, was no exception. When her son Kieran was born 3 1/2 years ago it was clear he had health issues, mostly surrounding food allergies including milk, dairy, nuts and then soy.

“He eventually had to have rice milk,” Mrs Sprigett said.

“We saw lots of specialists and he was constantly on antibiotics.

“He was getting sick, not progressing.”

A friend recommended she try homeopathy when Kieran was almost 2.

She has been seeing Fran Sheffield ever since and Kieran has come along in leaps and bounds.

Ms Sheffield, who enjoys a worldwide reputation, has a practice at Tuggerah and has been practising on the Central Coast for seven years. She was in Sydney for 15 years before that and consults around Australia and the world.

“In homeopathy we look at all the symptoms, sleeping, eating, personality and behaviour and then we devise individual remedies,” Ms Sheffield said.

“If 10 children came in with food allergies, they would get quite individual remedies depending on the symptoms.”

Ms Sheffield treats children like Kieran as well as those with autism, Asperger’ disorder, attention deficit disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. 

Artikel från: Express advocate


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