Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy

(NaturalNews) In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science.

Kommersiella företag försöker köpa upp Natural News

Men Mike Adams grundaren av Natural News vägrar att bli uppköpt. ”I refuse to participate in that. I will not seek profit from disease and suffering. It is against my core philosophy and my mission as a conscious being"

Homeopathy For Radiation Poisoning

Radiation may be a treatment for conditions such as tumors because it also causes them.

Forbidden Healing

We call on the European Commission to stop the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), Directive 2004/24/EC, which is set to remove access to the vast majority of herbal medicinal products beginning 30 April 2011.

Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Homeopathy

(NaturalNews) In this article, I would like to dispel a plethora of myths surrounding homeopathy which have been used to discredit this highly efficacious healing art and science.

Granska SVT:s roll i det hysteriska pandemilarmet

(Newsmill) EU kritiserar nu kraftfullt WHO, läkemedelsindustrin och nationella hälsovårdsmyndigheter för det orimligt uppblåsta pandemilarmet. Omkring 2900 personer i EU dog till följd av svininfluensautbrottet, vilket kan jämföras med att 40 000 dör i vanlig influensa under en säsong.

Landstingspolitiker vill införa alternativmedicin i vården

MP-politikern och sjuksköterskan Gun Moss Bjerling vill införa alternativvård i Södra Älvsborgs landsting. -Miljöpartiet har alltid varit öppen för alternativmedicin, säger hon

Rapport från en Vårdcentral

Positiv Nyhet ! En hälsotidning har hittats på en vårdcentral i Stockholmstrakten, med ett helt uppslag om homeopati. Artikeln heter "Homeopatiska läkemedel framtidens melodi"

Letting ‘like be cured by like

Homeopathy is one of the most popular, and yet most baffling of the complementary healthcare models. A startling array of followers, past and present, includes Yeats, Van Gogh, Monet, Renoir, Florence Nightingale, Mother Theresa, The British Royal Family, Sir Paul McCartney, David Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton. In fact over 30 million people across Europe use homeopathic medicine.