Djurpark i New Delhi använder Homeopati när ingenting annat fungerar


Veterinärerna vid the National Zoological Park har upptäckt att homeopati ibland fungerar bättre vid svåra fall.

Djurparken använder i första hand vanlig veterinärmedicin, men vid fall då den vanliga medicinen inte fungerar använder de istället homeopati .

We started using them seven-eight years ago,” says Delhi zoo veterinary officer Paneer Selvam. ”We get them wheneve necessity arises.” The zoo’s standard line of treatment is allopathy but whenever a particularly difficult case comes up, Selvam consults practitioners of alternative medicine. ’About two years ago, one of the Asiatic lions had hind-quarter paralysis. Another one developed the condition some time back.

In both cases we first tried with allopathic treatment but when that didn’t work we used homeopathic treatment,” says Selvam, ”In my experience, we have got good results.” A Himalayan black bear that was afflicted with the same condition a year ago and was cured by homeopathy. ”Many of the zoo vets prefer to try alternative medicine now,” says Selvam.




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