Homeopathy can reverse vaccine damage


(NaturalNews) Happily, with the growth of natural therapies, even in all their differences, people are now being supported in their health struggles. With this support now available, it is becoming obvious that the incidents of vaccine damage are much greater than most government or medical authorities would like you to believe.

Every day, there appears not just new reports of recent vaccine damage, but old cases too. How can you reverse this? Perhaps homeopathic treatment offers you the most hope.

Homeopathic treatment does not treat your condition. It treats you. There is a subtle difference. It was you who created your condition. It was you, your inner imbalance if you like, which was unable to prevent your illness. This means that this inner imbalance is the cause of your ill health. Treating the condition only ever treats the effect. But treating the inner disturbance gets to the ’why’ of your sickness, the cause.

This means that even if you have been misdiagnosed medically, as often happens, your homeopathic treatment can still be effective.

The homeopathic treatment of vaccine damaged children, animals or adults can come from many different angles. No one type of homeopathic treatment or medicine will universally help every case. As with all good homeopathic practice, you and your unique and personal symptoms are the key to the best approach and treatment. Read more: Natural News


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