40 % av Belgiska familjer använder homeopati


Studie visar att homeopati är en populär behandlingsmetod i Belgien.

“The outcome of a survey conducted by Boiron on the use of homeopathy in Belgium was published in the newspaper for the Belgian Doctors (Le journal du médecin, n°2191, October 2011). 1000 persons were included in the survey that took place in May 2011.

78% of the sample knows about homeopathy and 40% of the families use it on a regular basis. It is more widely used among adults (45%) than given to children (20%). 55% take homeopathy since more than 5 years. They individuals considered homeopathy as an effective treatment without side effects.

Homeopathy is bought for winter diseases (49%), allergies (32%), lumps and bruises (32%), and stress (29%). The individuals also use homeopathy for the prevention of diseases (59%), as complementary therapy to classical treatments (56%) and for chronic symptoms like allergies and eczema (54%). More than a third take it against the flu, respiratory diseases and stress. In the hospitals, this therapy is marginal even if 47 hospitals had homeopathic remedies in their arsenal of treatments.

58% would like to receive homeopathy from their doctors and more than a third would take it if recommended by a pharmacist.”



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