Treatment Based on Symptoms and Personality


Homeopathic medicine takes the perspective that ‘like treats like.’ Using remedies derived from herbs and minerals, practitioners treat patients based on their symptoms as well as personality traits.

According to homeopathic theory, any substance (plant, animal or mineral) that causes illness in a healthy person will cure a person who is sick with that same illness when given in extremely dilute doses. Homeopathic medicine takes the perspective that ‘like treats like.’ Using remedies derived from herbs and minerals, practitioners treat patients based on their symptoms as well as personality traits.

According to homeopathic theory, any substance (plant, animal or mineral) that causes illness in a healthy person will cure a person who is sick with that same illness when given in extremely dilute doses.

The basic principle of homeopathy was first fully developed by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, in the late 1800s. About 20 percent of physicians in the U.S. used homeopathy by 1900. Today, homeopathy is more popular in other countries than in America. In fact, The American Institute of Homeopathy reports it is the most widely practiced form of alternative medicine in the world. However, interest in the U.S. is increasing.

According to the National Institutes of Health, 3.9 million American adults and 900,000 children used some type of homeopathic remedy in 2007. Common reasons for use include: allergies, flu, asthma and childhood diarrhea. Mer att läsa plus ett sevärt videoklipp


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