


A group of student nurses at the entrance of Denver Homeopathic Hospital at Park Avenue and Humboldt Street in the City Park West neighborhood of Denver, Colorado – year 1910



Inside kitchen of the Rochester Homeopathic Hospital in New York. This image was taken in early 1900’s. Three of the kitchen staff are preparing food and placing on trays, one of them is making tea.


419354_568973086447912_885551973_nThe Utica Homeopathic Hospital in New York, a 100-bed facility in 1912. This hospital also had a school of nursing. The front entrance was connected to the street by a nice walkway.


529412_465188746826347_1103355309_nNew York – Gowanda State Homeopathic Hospital in the 1930s had 1,254 beds. Patients were treated under strict Homeopathic auspices. The medical complex consisted of two-story wings projecting from the main building, two three-story pavilion style buildings, two pavilions for patients with tuberculosis (TB), laundry, kitchen, main dining room building, farm, workshops, nurses home, amusement hall/auditorium, main staff house, and superintendent’s resident,… all built prior to 1946.


534296_501838283161393_606667303_nBeautiful building of the Hahnemann Homeopathic College and Hospital, located at Race Street in Philadelphia, year 1892.

75531_535931166418771_1082892463_nIn 1899, the city of Ann Arbor (in the US, state of Michigan) gave to the University of Ann Arbor, a property for a Homeopathic Hospital. This is an image from front of the Homeopathic medical building.


284410_493160467362508_473582016_n Homeopathic Hospital, Washington D.C., 1910


486537_467856473226241_1411750593_nThe Rochester Homeopathic Hospital in New York at 224 Alexander Street in 1894.


297076_270006693011221_7672002_nHomeopathic Hospital in 1889 – UK. An elaborate Victorian structure made of variegated brick with extensive verandahs, pinnacles, iron cresting and storeys separated by decorative banding.


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