Health basics: Why homeopathy is rapidly gaining acceptance and credibility



(NaturalNews) When it comes to medicine and doctors, most people in America believe that if it’s not expensive, it won’t work. This theory may hold water when purchasing a new car or an i-phone, but the big profits in America come from invasive surgery and toxic prescriptions, which treat only symptoms, thus waiting for conditions to get extreme and often critical.

Alternative medicine, like homeopathy, is becoming main stream, and people are figuring out that the quacks in America are actually the doctors who frivolously write prescriptionswithout even considering organic solutions that directly address the causes of illness.

In the USA, the Government makes money off of the masses being sick, instead of the other way around, like in Canada or the United Kingdom, where there is national healthcare, and the doctors get paid bonuses for healing patients. Homeopathy is a 200 year young system of medicine which has a proven clinical record and is used by tens of millions worldwide. It is becoming the core method of treatment for the public health care systems in Europe, Asia, and South America.

Why is homeopathy becoming so popular, so quickly?

No time in the history of mankind have people beenso sick as they are right now, and conventional medicine is NOT helping. The population is much sicker than 60 years ago, when ”Big Pharma” really took over the mainstream health industry, and that’s mainly because Conventional medicine does not treat thecause of the problem. The homeopathic practitioner treats the cause of the illness or disease in order to heal the effect (

Vastly safer than conventional medicine, homeopathy is a treatment modality which uses very minutesubstances found in nature, like minerals and herbs, to triggerhealing responses in the body using an organic method which teaches the body to heal itself. Unlike pharmaceutical medications, when the patient comes off of the medication,the body retains the healing benefits. In other words, the body is not dependent on certain molecules remaining in the body to continue the healing process, as it would be with synthetic drugs, like most heart medications.

Dispelling the myth of the placebo

Have you ever heard of a stimulant controlling hyperactivity, or local honey preventing pollen allergies? Much like the saying, ”The hair of the dog that bit you,”homeopathy treats like with like, so for example, hayfever is treated with a ’potentiated’ solution of pollen. Rumors and misconceptions often spread quickly about natural remedies, especially ones that fly in the face of science.

Millions of people attest to the fact that massage therapy works, and many of those benefits come from the therapist understanding Shiatsu and the body’s ”total” energy. Similarly, homeopathy works by helping balance your body’s energyor ”chi” in traditional Chinese medicine. This energy is circulated along specific meridians, and when this circulation gets disrupted,like from toxins in food and pharmaceuticals, illness is often the result (

Homeopathic solutions themselves are not simply water or placebos, but contain miniscule doses of plants, minerals, animal products or other compounds that trigger symptomssimilar to what you are already experiencing, and that’s why many patients think they are getting worse at the beginning of treatment, when in reality, it’s the beginning of the ingenious homeopathy healing process.

Many famous people have used homeopathy successfully, including Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tina Turner, Charles Dickens, David Beckham, and W.B. Yeats. Homeopathy is not only the second largest system of medicine in the world, but is the fastest growing!

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